Source: PR Newswire

A global coalition of animal welfare experts, in partnership with Mars, has released the results of ‘The State of Pet Homelessness Project,’ the largest-ever international study on pet homelessness. Shockingly, it found that nearly 35% of cats and dogs globally are either living on the streets or in shelters, totaling 143 million street dogs, 12 million shelter dogs, 203 million street cats, and 4 million shelter cats across 20 countries.

Common issues contributing to pet homelessness include pet-friendly housing limitations, with moving being a major reason for pet relinquishment, and around 15% of pet owners worldwide are considering giving up their pets in the next year due to personal health, housing issues, and time constraints. Mars has committed to supporting 30 million vulnerable pets in the next five years and donated $500,000 to Humane Society International for data-informed interventions in India, South Africa, and Mexico.

Read the full story HERE:–research-shines-a-light-on-challenges-facing-pets-today-302040975.html