Source: Nebraska Examiner 

Sydney Hutchinson, a freshman at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, initially planned to attend Kansas State University for Veterinary school due to an attractive early admissions offer. However, her plans changed after learning about Nebraska’s new “Elite 11” Veterinarian Program, which fully funds six years of tuition for up to 11 Nebraska residents pursuing Veterinary medicine. Launched in February by Governor Jim Pillen and UNL, this state-funded program aims to address the shortage of large animal veterinarians in Nebraska by covering tuition costs and requiring graduates to practice in rural counties for eight years, primarily working with livestock.

This initiative seeks to retain talent within Nebraska, alleviate high student debt, and support the state’s $6 billion livestock industry. The scholarships, funded through the Nebraska Department of Labor’s Workforce Development Program, also offer mentorship and internship opportunities. Hutchinson, among the 19 inaugural students, credits the program for keeping her educational and professional dreams within Nebraska.

Read the full story HERE: