Source: dvm360 

With cancer impacting around 6 million dogs annually, the need for personalized canine cancer testing is rising. ImpriMed, a precision medicine startup, has launched ImpriMed Drug Response Predictions (DRP), an AI-based service predicting the effectiveness of anticancer drugs for dogs with lymphoma or leukemia. DRP complements ImpriMed’s existing “immunoprofile” report, which helps diagnose cancer subtypes. Using AI and clinical data, DRP analyzes a dog’s health information to predict which drugs will be most effective.

This process involves exposing the patient’s cancer cells to 13 common blood cancer drugs, providing predictions within 6-7 days. Benefits reported by ImpriMed include extended median survival times for dogs with relapsed B-cell lymphoma and improved veterinarian-client relationships. A survey of Veterinary oncologists indicated high satisfaction with DRP, citing reduced treatment costs and enhanced patient outcomes. With canine cancer causing significant mortality, tools like DRP promise improved care and survival for pet patients.

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