Source: AP News 

A stray cat named Willow found her way into the Biden family after appearing at a Joe Biden rally in Pennsylvania in 2020. Now residing in the White House, Willow is among several famous cats living in notable places, bringing charm and utility to their homes. In London, Lilibet, a Siberian Forest cat, attracts guests at the Lanesborough Hotel, while Hodge delights visitors at Southwark Cathedral. Larry, the Chief Mouser at 10 Downing Street, has outlasted several Prime Ministers, keeping the residence mouse-free.

The Hermitage Museum in Russia houses about 80 cats to control pests, with their own press officer and volunteers. Similarly, the Hemingway Home and Museum in Key West, Florida, is home to 59 cats, including descendants of Hemingway’s own. Other notable cats include Tuesday at the Don Ruiz Coffee Shop in Puerto Rico, an unnamed cat among journalists in Caracas, and Lule, the mascot of Dit’ e Nat bar in Kosovo, embodying the soul of their respective places.

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