Source: dvm 360

Hill’s Pet Nutrition is investing $1 million over five years in Kansas State University’s (KSU) College of Veterinary Medicine to establish an endowed small animal clinical nutrition professorship. This initiative aims to enhance Veterinary education and advance research in small animal nutrition. The professorship will support the hiring of a distinguished faculty member who will develop and teach courses on small animal nutrition, covering both basic and advanced topics, while also leading research to improve nutritional practices and develop new dietary solutions for health issues in pets.

Hill’s Pet Nutrition has a history of collaboration with KSU, including a $2.4 million donation in 2018 to create the Pet Health and Nutrition Center, which serves as a primary care clinic and research facility. This new investment reinforces Hill’s commitment to promoting lifelong health in pets by ensuring that future veterinarians are well-educated in nutrition.

Read the full story HERE: