Source: CBS 19 

Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, is spearheading a groundbreaking drone research project aimed at assessing the health of wild dolphins. The initiative, named Passive Health Assessment in Sea Mammals (PHASM), utilizes a specially designed “dolphin stealth drone” that approaches dolphins without disturbing them, collecting samples of their breath to analyze for DNA, respiratory disease, stress hormones, and reproductive challenges.

The project, led by Dr. Jason Bruck in collaboration with Oklahoma State University, tested the drone at Dolphin Quest in Hawaii. Using a fixed-wing aircraft, researchers honed their skills with flight simulators to time the drone’s movements with the dolphins’ surfacing. The next phase involves gathering data from dolphins in the wild, particularly off the Texas coast, to assess the impacts of climate change on these sentinel species. The success of this innovative approach could set a new standard for dolphin health monitoring globally.

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