Source: AAVMC

The United States faces significant shortages of veterinarians across all sectors, resulting from increased demand for Veterinary services and limited training capacity. Since 1980, U.S. households purchasing Veterinary services have risen steadily, with demand growing over 6% annually in recent years. This shortage, especially acute in specialty-trained veterinarians, leads to extended wait times for appointments and overworked Veterinary healthcare teams.

Despite a 2.7% yearly increase in the number of U.S. veterinarians since 2007, substantial shortages persist, with 2,000-3,000 more open jobs than available veterinarians in 2019. Proposed solutions include diversifying recruitment, expanding educational programs, and enhancing Veterinary healthcare teams’ effectiveness. Addressing this shortage is vital for animal welfare, public health, and food security. Immediate action is needed to increase training capacity, support underserved populations, and ensure the sustainability of the Veterinary workforce.

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