Source: dvm360

The American Veterinary Medical Association’s (AVMA) American Board of Veterinary Specialties (ABVS) has received a letter of intent to establish a clinical wildlife practice (CWP) specialty within the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP). Seeking public and professional feedback, the ABVS aims to assess the necessity and distinctiveness of the proposed specialty. Submitted in June 2023, the letter of intent was accepted during a recent ABVS meeting.

The CWP aims to enhance public services by identifying competent veterinarians in wildlife practice, supporting scholarly research, and providing ongoing education. Collaboration with academic and governmental bodies is also emphasized for wildlife welfare. AVMA currently recognizes 22 specialty organizations and 46 specialties. Comments on the proposal are welcome until July 31, 2024, following ABVS guidelines, with details available on the AVMA website.

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