Source: VMBS News 

At the Society for Theriogenology’s Therio Conference held from July 25-27 in Oklahoma City, Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS) achieved notable success. Faculty and students from the Equine Fertility Lab and the Comparative Reproductive Laboratory won several awards. Dr. Charles Love and Dr. Yatta Boakari led the teams representing their respective labs.

Texas A&M students excelled in the Dr. Jimmy Alexander Student Case Report Competition, securing first, second, and third place. Third-year student Evie Rider won first place with her presentation on pyometra and cystic endometrial hyperplasia in a doe. Second-year students John Deramus and Jack Richison earned second and third places, respectively, with cases of hemospermia in stallions. In addition, Veterinary resident Dr. Alanoud Alshami and Ph.D. student Sophia Marchio won awards in the Jerry Rains Memorial Graduate/Resident Abstract Competition. The conference provided valuable networking opportunities and showcased cutting-edge research in animal reproduction.

Read the full story HERE: