A new study reveals that heatwaves significantly impair bumble bees’ ability to detect floral scents, threatening their role as vital pollinators. Bumble bees are crucial to agriculture, pollinating crops that comprise about one-third of the global food supply. The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Würzburg, shows that exposure to extreme temperatures reduces bees’ antennal response to floral scents by up to 80%, affecting their ability to forage efficiently. This could lead to decreased pollination, reduced crop yields, and long-term ecological consequences.

The study also found that bees’ recovery from heat exposure is limited, with many unable to regain normal scent detection after 24 hours at cooler temperatures. Wild bees like Bombus pascuorum are particularly affected. With rising global temperatures and more frequent heatwaves, the survival of pollinators like bumble bees is at risk, highlighting the urgent need for further research on how different species adapt to a warming world.

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