Source: Plant Based News 

The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has revised its stance on plant-based diets for dogs, now accepting them as “nutritionally sound” if they meet all dietary needs. This shift follows a review and growing evidence highlighting the environmental benefits and safety of well-planned vegan diets for dogs. Previously opposed, the BVA’s updated policies acknowledge that veterinarians should support pet owners in meeting their pets’ nutritional needs within their lifestyle choices. Andrew Knight, a Veterinary professor, praised the BVA’s decision and urged other veterinary associations to follow suit.

Plant-based dog food brands like Omni are experiencing increased sales as more pet owners explore vegan options. Notably, 29% of companion animal vets report clients feeding their pets meat-free diets. Despite this shift, the BVA’s partnership with Mars Petcare, a major meat-based pet food producer, has been criticized as a conflict of interest. Concurrently, the UK’s veterinary sector faces scrutiny and strikes over corporate influence and profiteering, prompting a review by the Competition and Markets Authority.

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