Source: dvm 360

Tiffany Day, a travel nurse, returned home from an assignment with her Labrador mix, Luna, and left her open travel bag in the bathroom while she went to the store. Upon returning, she discovered Luna had chewed open a bottle of allergy medication and ingested some pills. Initially unconcerned, Day soon noticed Luna displaying worrying symptoms like barking at nothing and walking into walls, prompting an emergency visit to the vet.

Luna was treated at the Roadrunner Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital in New Mexico, where she was given fluids and sedated. Despite recovering from the immediate effects of the medication, Luna later developed immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (IMTP), an unrelated condition that led to her passing. Day shares Luna’s story to caution pet owners about the dangers of pets ingesting human medications, urging vigilance in keeping all medications out of reach, even those that may seem safe.

Read the full story HERE: