Source: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Dr. Vernard Hodges and Dr. Terrence Ferguson are working to change the perception of veterinarians through their program “Vet for a Day” at Zoo Atlanta. This initiative provides children with a hands-on experience of what it’s like to be a veterinarian and the educational path to becoming one. The event aims to inspire the next generation of animal care professionals, emphasizing the importance of passion and dedication.

Children attending the program got to interact with animals, including a red-tailed boa, and learned about animal care and conservation. The doctors and speakers shared their stories and the journey through college and Veterinary school. The event also offered parents information on schools and financing options for their children’s future careers. Hodges and Ferguson hope that the program encourages children to pursue their dreams in Veterinary medicine, especially as diversity in the field remains a challenge. Another Vet for a Day event is in the planning stages for the future.

Read the full story HERE: