Source: Popular Science 

Once common in Sydney, the green and golden bell frog population has plummeted, disappearing from 90% of its range and now listed as endangered in New South Wales. Invasive species, habitat loss, and a deadly fungal disease called chytridiomycosis are major threats. Scientists, led by Anthony Waddle from Macquarie University, found that simple frog ‘saunas’—small greenhouses made of bricks and plastic tarp—can help infected frogs recover by providing a warm refuge that kills the cold-loving fungus.

These saunas were tested in controlled and semi-natural environments, showing significantly lower infection rates and helping frogs build immunity against the disease. The study, published in Nature, suggests these inexpensive and easy-to-implement shelters could be widely deployed, offering a practical solution to support frog populations. Conservationists are encouraged to build these structures, costing about $50 each, in their backyards to help save the species. However, this method may not be effective for all amphibian species, especially those in cooler climates.

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