Source: dvm 360 

The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) will mandate dairy cattle testing for highly pathogenic avian influenzas (HPAIs), specifically avian influenza type A H5N1. Laboratories and state veterinarians must report positive Influenza A test results in livestock. Initially, lactating dairy cattle will undergo testing, subject to evolving disease understanding and risks. The FDA confirmed HPAI remnants in milk from areas with infected herds, but assured pasteurization effectively deactivates the virus. Federal orders aim to curb HPAI spread, restricting dairy cattle movement between states with known infections.

Lactating cattle must test negative for interstate travel, with positive cases triggering epidemiological investigations and movement restrictions. APHIS will reimburse testing costs, prioritizing dairy cattle showing symptoms, premovement testing, and asymptomatic animal surveillance. Test results should return within days, with non-negative samples confirmed at USDA labs. Ongoing research seeks to understand disease transmission and origins across species.

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