Source: dvm360 

Vivani Medical’s long-term drug delivery system, OKV-119, typically used for managing obesity and diabetes in humans, has been tested in cats for obesity and diabetes management. A study published in BMC Veterinary Research examined the effects of a miniature, subdermal exenatide drug implant in five neutered male cats over 112 days. The cats were given a standardized diet, and their food intake, exenatide blood levels, and body weight were monitored.

Results showed that exenatide levels were detectable from day 7 and remained above baseline for over 84 days. Four of the five cats ate less and lost weight in the first 28 days, maintaining at least a 5% weight loss throughout the study. The study highlights the potential of OKV-119 implants to provide sustained exenatide release and effective weight management in cats. Given the rise in feline obesity, more weight management options are needed, as indicated by Banfield Pet Hospital data showing a 114% increase in obesity diagnoses in cats from 2011 to 2020. Vivani plans to extend the duration of OKV-119 to six months in future studies.

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