A new Maryland law, signed by Gov. Wes Moore on April 25, significantly limits non-compete agreements for healthcare and Veterinary professionals. Effective June 1, non-competes for licensed Veterinary practitioners and technicians will be void. Starting July 1, 2025, healthcare professionals earning $350,000 or less who provide direct patient care will also have non-compete and conflict-of-interest provisions voided. For those earning above $350,000, non-competes will be enforceable only if limited to one year and within 10 miles of their primary workplace.

The law does not require employers to notify current employees about the unenforceability of existing non-competes but mandates informing patients of the new location of former employees upon request. Employers should review and adjust existing agreements to comply with the new restrictions. This change aligns with broader national trends promoting worker mobility in the health sector amid increasing hospital mergers and consolidations.

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