Source: Super Talk Mississippi Media 

Veterinarians at Mississippi State University (MSU) have successfully treated two endangered sea turtles. Toast Malone, a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, had a fishhook removed from its stomach via endoscopy, performed by Dr. John Thomason. This was Toast’s third visit to MSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM), where it had been microchipped for tracking. Another turtle, a loggerhead named Mudpie, had two fishhooks removed from its esophagus and mouth. These efforts are part of MSU’s Global Center for Aquatic Health and Food Security and its Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Health Program in collaboration with the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies.

Fourth-year veterinary students, including Kathryn Rapp, assisted in the procedures, gaining valuable experience in aquatic animal care. Both turtles were returned to the Gulf Coast for further rehabilitation, with hopes of their eventual release. Thomason emphasizes the responsibility to help marine animals affected by human activities and is optimistic about the turtles’ recovery.

Read the full story HERE: