Source: WLKY 

Kentucky is addressing a Veterinary shortage in rural areas with a new financial incentive. Over 80 of Kentucky’s 120 counties are underserved, especially lacking livestock vets, causing an overwhelming workload. Urban areas attract more veterinarians due to better pay and opportunities, leaving rural areas in need. Many Veterinary students graduate with significant debt, making lower-paying rural positions less appealing.

To combat this, the Kentucky Veterinary Medical Association (KVMA) has introduced a loan repayment program. Licensed veterinarians committing to five years in underserved areas can receive $87,500 in student loan relief. The program will select five vets annually, providing them with training and mentorship to ensure quality care for livestock. Eligibility requires a Veterinary degree within ten years, student debt over $75,000, and no prior participation in federal loan repayment programs. Funded by House Bill 553, the initiative aims to incentivize rural practice and alleviate debt pressures. Applications are open from June 1 to June 20.

Read the full story HERE: