Source: Progressive Farmer

Proper management is crucial for recognizing and treating respiratory diseases in feed yard and background operations involving cattle. A comprehensive management plan should encompass solid nutrition, good animal husbandry practices, vaccinations, treatments, and the use of accelerated grain implants. Biosecurity is also vital to consider in these operations to prevent disease outbreaks. Brett Terhaar, a beef cattle technical consultant, emphasizes the importance of comfortable living conditions and low-stress handling techniques for cattle. Providing adequate nutrition, such as a 12% to 14% protein feed for recently weaned calves, contributes to overall health and a robust immune system.

Vaccination against pathogens causing Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) and strategic antibiotic treatments are essential. The use of accelerated grain implants in finishing cattle can significantly boost weight gain. However, it’s important to note that despite the increased body size of cattle, their limited lung capacity makes them more susceptible to respiratory diseases. Biosecurity, rational pen population strategies, and pen size also play critical roles in disease control and prevention, as demonstrated by simulations and research data.

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