Source: AP NEWS 

Philadelphia International Airport celebrated the five-year anniversary of its Wagging Tails Brigade, a group of 23 therapy dogs dedicated to easing traveler stress. The celebration included birthday presents for the dogs, a customized cake, cupcakes for passersby, and an oversized birthday card for travelers to sign. The therapy dogs and their volunteer handlers spend at least two hours a week at the airport, where the dogs, wearing vests that say “pet me,” engage with travelers to lift their spirits, especially during delays and cancellations.

Volunteers like Alan Gurvitz, who works with Hope, a Labrador retriever, aim to make the airport experience more pleasant for passengers. The dogs’ presence provides comfort, as Jamie and Victoria Hill, on their way to their honeymoon, experienced while petting Bella during a flight delay. The dogs also play an essential role during travel disruptions, helping soothe stressed parents and children, turning tense moments into calming interactions.

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