Source: dvm360

North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine achieved a milestone recently by performing extensive corneal surgery on Myra, a Dutch warmblood horse, after she suffered an eye injury during her relocation to the U.S.. Initially diagnosed with a treatment-resistant stromal abscess, Myra underwent innovative treatment at NC State, including platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) application and corneal transplant.

Despite setbacks like a detached conjunctival graft, PRF treatment significantly improved her condition. While she won’t fully regain her hind vision, Myra is expected to retain central vision, enabling her to resume jumping events. The successful outcome reflects both the expertise and compassion of the Veterinary team. Michelle Carnes, Myra’s owner, expressed gratitude for the team’s dedication and updates on Myra’s progress. The collaborative effort involved various staff members, demonstrating a commitment to Myra’s well-being and recovery.

Read the full story HERE: