Source: Forbes 

Forbes Advisor conducted a survey of 5,000 dog owners to determine the best and worst-behaved dog breeds based on obedience and temperament. Labrador Retrievers ranked as the most well-behaved breed, excelling in both command-following and temperament, while Siberian Huskies were the worst, struggling with obedience and often displaying poor behavior. The survey highlighted that many behavioral issues could stem from a lack of training, with 25% of owners admitting they never attempted to train their dogs.

Interestingly, smaller breeds like the Havanese, French Bulldog, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel were frequently cited for negative behaviors, such as barking and whining. The study emphasizes the importance of training and suggests considering pet insurance to cover potential behavioral therapy and unexpected Veterinary costs. The analysis also pointed out that pet insurance is a valuable investment, especially for covering the high costs associated with common behavioral and health issues in dogs.

Read the full story HERE: