Source: STAT 

Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, a cardiologist and evolutionary biologist, argues that human medicine has been overly human-centered, overlooking valuable insights from animal health. Co-author of “Zoobiquity,” Natterson-Horowitz explores common diseases across species, such as melanoma in horses and chlamydia in koalas, suggesting that studying animal health can offer breakthroughs for human medicine. Her research emphasizes the evolutionary connections between human and animal diseases, aiming to leverage these parallels to enhance treatment strategies.

Natterson-Horowitz’s work includes exploring animal adaptations, like the giraffe’s heart resilience to high blood pressure, to inform human medical practices. She advocates for a “zoobiquity” approach, which uses evolutionary insights from animals to solve human health problems, challenging the notion of human exceptionalism that limits the integration of Veterinary knowledge into human medicine. Her perspective calls for greater humility and openness in applying animal health discoveries to improve human care.

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