Source: Daily Mail 

The belief that goldfish have a three-second memory is a myth. Professor Culum Brown of Macquarie University, an expert in fish cognition, argues that goldfish, like many fish, have excellent memories. In experiments, rainbow fish remembered a path through a simulated trawl net for up to a year. This contradicts the widespread notion that fish have poor memory and cognitive skills.

Research shows fish can learn, adapt, and remember complex behaviors. For instance, goldfish have been trained to swim specific distances and navigate using visual cues. In addition, fish like trout and salmon are known to return to their breeding grounds after years at sea, indicating strong memory and navigational skills. Fish also recognize and prefer the company of familiar individuals. Professor Brown suggests that underestimating fish intelligence has led to their mistreatment. Studies further reveal fish can adapt to different environments, as demonstrated by goldfish driving robotic tanks to reach food rewards.

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