Source: Reuters

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is approximately 18 months away from developing a vaccine for the current strain of bird flu, announced Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Eight commercial flocks and 14 backyard flocks have been affected this year, totaling 530,000 poultry. Since January 2022, over 81 million U.S. poultry and aquatic birds have died from avian flu across 47 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Vilsack stated this progress at a Congressional hearing, emphasizing plans to engage trading partners regarding potential restrictions on vaccinated U.S. poultry imports. The World Organization for Animal Health recommended poultry vaccinations to prevent a pandemic. In addition, France’s decision to vaccinate ducks led to import restrictions on French poultry by the U.S. government. These developments highlight ongoing efforts to combat avian flu and manage its impact on poultry industries globally.

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