Source: Live Science

Cats’ dislike of closed doors is linked to their natural curiosity, desire for control, and fear of missing out (FOMO), according to experts. Dr. Karen Sueda, a Veterinary behaviorist, explains that cats want to know what’s behind a closed door, driven by their instinct to monitor their territory for safety. Ingrid Johnson, a cat behavior consultant, adds that cats like to control access to their spaces, which helps them feel secure. A closed door removes choice, control, and change—factors cats dislike, according to behaviorist Jane Ehrlich.

Cats also enjoy human interaction, and a closed door can cut off that connection. A 2017 study found cats often prefer human interaction to other stimuli, such as food or toys. To minimize anxiety, Johnson suggests maintaining consistency in areas cats can access. If a cat shows signs of distress like frantic vocalizing or hissing, owners should consult a veterinarian to rule out health issues.

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