Source: Veterinary Practice News 

Patty Khuly, an independent Veterinary practice owner for ten years, reflects on the challenges and rewards of practice ownership, noting its personal and professional satisfaction. Despite these benefits, many veterinarians are hesitant to own practices. Patty initially planned to sell the practice to like-minded veterinarians but found it difficult to find interested buyers. Factors contributing to this reluctance include the high cost of education, diminishing profit margins in independent practices, and the high price of practice ownership due to corporate competition.

In addition, there is a decreased diversity of aspirations among veterinarians, with fewer seeing the profession as a path to wealth. Patty criticizes corporate influence in Veterinary medicine, but also acknowledges intrinsic and extrinsic forces affecting the profession’s entrepreneurial spirit. She emphasizes the need for a diversity of thought and goals within the profession to counteract these challenges.

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