Source: Virginia Mercury 

Virginia is set to implement updated regulations for animal waste management from farming operations, despite ongoing debates over how to handle older earthen lagoons that pose a higher risk of groundwater pollution. Governor Glenn Youngkin approved the new rules, which will apply to 108 animal feed operations and take effect on November 16, following the expiration of the current permit. The rules aim to prevent environmental harm by regulating nitrogen discharges, a key concern for the Chesapeake Bay’s health.

While some farmers expressed concerns about the costs of these changes, others supported the new guidelines. Environmental groups, however, criticized the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for not requiring additional groundwater monitoring for older lagoons, which are more likely to leak pollutants. Despite these concerns, the DEQ, backed by the Attorney General’s office, upheld the current interpretation of the law, stating that monitoring is only required if already in place.

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